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Advantages through technology - building stable and future-proof IT environments with professional server hardware

Buying your own server - yes, no? What advantages do I actually have from an in-house server? And is it also worth buying a server for a smaller company? We never spoil things in the first paragraph - but this time we have to: because yes, having your own professional hardware and advanced technology gives you some competitive advantages. And it is precisely these advantages that we would like to show you in this article.

Better service, more market presence, comparison with competitors - and the technology stays the same?

"Innovation" - "customer satisfaction" - "quality" - etc. You've probably seen these things on a whiteboard, as headlines at a meeting or in the agenda of a presentation, haven't you? If you want to bring your company back to the top after a short (or longer) slump, you need to focus on continuous development, introduce new products or services, improve your service and thus achieve greater customer satisfaction. The quality management and marketing team is now being pushed particularly hard - high standards need to be maintained or further improved, the market and competitors are regularly analysed in order to identify trends and new opportunities and, above all, to exploit them. Effective and targeted marketing strategies are used not only to strengthen the company, but also to attract new customers. 

But what is usually considered last: Employees can only work as well (and as quickly) as the "material" that is made available to them. Slow PCs, outdated technology and processes that are anything but optimised will only get in the way and possibly lead to failure. This is why a company's technology should always be state-of-the-art.

"Innovation" - "customer satisfaction" - "quality" - etc. You've probably seen these things on a whiteboard, as headlines at a meeting or in the agenda of a presentation, haven't you? If you want to bring your company back to the top after a short (or longer) slump, you need to focus on continuous development, introduce new products or services, improve your service and thus achieve greater customer satisfaction. The quality management and marketing team is now being pushed particularly hard - high standards need to be maintained or further improved, the market and competitors are regularly analysed in order to identify trends and new opportunities and, above all, to exploit them. Effective and targeted marketing strategies are used not only to strengthen the company, but also to attract new customers. 

But what is usually considered last: Employees can only work as well (and as quickly) as the "material" that is made available to them. Slow PCs, outdated technology and processes that are anything but optimised will only get in the way and possibly lead to failure. This is why a company's technology should always be state-of-the-art.

Security, availability, cost savings - advantages of servers for your company 

There are certainly various reasons to buy your own server hardware. At the top of the list is, of course, the optimisation and automation of certain processes in order to be able to work faster and better. Other options include, for example


In addition to a secure IT landscape, which consists of a well thought-out network infrastructure, security systems such as a firewall and security software (anti-virus programmes), the security of the servers themselves also plays a major role. This is because systems designed for redundancy (with secure backup solutions) can save a company's existence if the worst comes to the worst. Important data that has only been stored on an employee PC instead of in a central location, for example, can sometimes no longer be restored after a hacker attack or PC failure. If the documents, images or videos are instead backed up centrally on a file server or storage, i.e. a network data system, they will still be available even after a client PC failure. In addition, servers are generally equipped with many "safety features": hot-pluggable power supply unitsfans or hard drives ensure that a defective component can be replaced during operation. A RAID set helps (depending on the RAID level) to ensure that even if one (or possibly several) HDDs or SSDs fail, the data can still be restored; ECC memory and other tools help to ensure that errors are recognised immediately and, for example, the problematic component can be reported and replaced - sometimes even before it fails.


"Availability is the be-all and end-all in a modern company. For the systems, this means that they must run reliably, can be serviced quickly in the event of a failure, there must be no loss of data during an interruption and they must have a high level of IT security. Anyone who uses external hard drives and USB sticks that are plugged in here and there is still a long way behind when it comes to digitalisation. It would be much wiser to use a server or at least a NAS system as local data storage. Companies that utilise the advantages of using rack servers benefit, for example, from the fact that data can also be accessed on the move (field service, branch offices), better campaigns and marketing activities can be launched thanks to the constant availability of data with analyses, histories and, if necessary, sales figures, and uninterrupted, fast operation is guaranteed.


"Availability is the be-all and end-all in a modern company. For the systems, this means that they must run reliably, can be serviced quickly in the event of a failure, there must be no loss of data during an interruption and they must have a high level of IT security. Anyone who uses external hard drives and USB sticks that are plugged in here and there is still a long way behind when it comes to digitalisation. It would be much wiser to use a server or at least a NAS system as local data storage. Companies that utilise the advantages of using rack servers benefit, for example, from the fact that data can also be accessed on the move (field service, branch offices), better campaigns and marketing activities can be launched thanks to the constant availability of data with analyses, histories and, if necessary, sales figures, and uninterrupted, fast operation is guaranteed.

Cost optimisation / Simplified management

Having your own rack server can also bring a certain advantage when it comes to cost optimisation. Of course, you need to be aware that the acquisition costs alone are not enough. After all, there are maintenance costs, administration costs, training costs for complex systems and, of course, operating costs (electricity/cooling). But for those who think that a system only causes costs, a high-quality rack server can also do a lot to reduce operating costs. And in two ways. Firstly, the server contributes to simplified management. No admin has to constantly switch on a device and check whether everything is OK - the system does this itself. This is because modern servers offer management functions that can monitor the function of individual components as required or warn the administrator of a failure. In this way, an interruption can be completely prevented or - if the failure is unavoidable - at least the time from recognising the problem to the "repair" is significantly reduced. This in turn means less data loss and a faster resumption of business operations - and in short, less money "slipping through the cracks". On the other hand, the use of intelligent systems can make work easier and faster for employees and help them to work more productively and efficiently. For the company, this means improved and faster throughput and, in the best case scenario, more profit.

Simplified business processes

Servers are used to simplify or speed up work steps. Not only can admin costs be saved, but a variety of other individual optimisations are also possible. New business processes can be established faster, better, more efficiently and more stably through the use of intelligent systems. Data can be retrieved via the server or the cloud from anywhere - in real time, of course. And by standardising certain processes, employees are relieved of tedious and time-consuming work. For example, it is possible to answer customer enquiries on a specific topic (such as "I'm missing my invoice" or "When will I receive a tracking number") with a pre-prepared email or to send all tracking numbers to the respective customers at the same time every day. This means that employees do not have to concern themselves with "minor details", but can utilise their valuable time more effectively and efficiently.

User efficiency / Better teamwork

If you can access the important company data on the server from any location, you can not only react more efficiently and quickly, but also save time: the alternative would be to call a colleague and tell them that you need the data, who would then have to search for it first and then set up and send an email with it. Not very efficient, but all the more time-consuming and therefore cost-intensive. If the data is stored centrally in one place (as with a file server), even large amounts of data can be imported quickly and easily. It is also possible to access the data on a database server. This means you can always check who has made a change to the data and when. These types of servers can be particularly useful for cross-departmental projects: after all, everyone has access to the important information (authorisations can be assigned or withdrawn as required) and if something has gone wrong, you can check the log data to see when and how this happened. Update messages also mean that not everyone has to be informed individually, but is constantly kept up to date during the collaboration.

User efficiency / Better teamwork

If you can access the important company data on the server from any location, you can not only react more efficiently and quickly, but also save time: the alternative would be to call a colleague and tell them that you need the data, who would then have to search for it first and then set up and send an email with it. Not very efficient, but all the more time-consuming and therefore cost-intensive. If the data is stored centrally in one place (as with a file server), even large amounts of data can be imported quickly and easily. It is also possible to access the data on a database server. This means you can always check who has made a change to the data and when. These types of servers can be particularly useful for cross-departmental projects: after all, everyone has access to the important information (authorisations can be assigned or withdrawn as required) and if something has gone wrong, you can check the log data to see when and how this happened. Update messages also mean that not everyone has to be informed individually, but is constantly kept up to date during the collaboration.


In many industries, speed is an important criterion for staying on the ball. Automated processes, simplified communication, data that can be called up anytime and anywhere, intelligent systems that carry out regular analyses and - without the push of a button - deliver reports automatically can be decisive here. However, the basis must be right - a flourishing IT landscape with high-quality, high-performance server and storage systems is a prerequisite.

Utilisation of the company's potential

We have already talked about better teamwork through the availability of data on file or database servers, for example. But what if this is taken a step further - after all, there are highly productive employees "lurking" everywhere who - perhaps even across departments - contribute good and efficient ideas. To ensure that the idea doesn't get lost in the meeting, there are now AI-supported systems that can create automatic summaries with task assignment. Even if an innovation cannot be implemented at the moment, the ideas or changes could be saved centrally and, if necessary, compared with collected customer requirements at a later date. Over time, this creates an enormous pool of ideas that can help to create better marketing and advertising campaigns, respond more specifically to customer needs and, at the end of the day, make better, more satisfactory sales.

Utilisation of the company's potential

We have already talked about better teamwork through the availability of data on file or database servers, for example. But what if this is taken a step further - after all, there are highly productive employees "lurking" everywhere who - perhaps even across departments - contribute good and efficient ideas. To ensure that the idea doesn't get lost in the meeting, there are now AI-supported systems that can create automatic summaries with task assignment. Even if an innovation cannot be implemented at the moment, the ideas or changes could be saved centrally and, if necessary, compared with collected customer requirements at a later date. Over time, this creates an enormous pool of ideas that can help to create better marketing and advertising campaigns, respond more specifically to customer needs and, at the end of the day, make better, more satisfactory sales.

Better market presence

However, it is not only the advertising formats and advertising content that are decisive. The digital market presence also makes a significant contribution to the awareness and success of the company. Depending on the size of the company, it is worthwhile making your own website, online shop or, for example, sales lists and online catalogues available via your own web server. This gives you better control over availability and possibly also costs.

Flexibility & Growth

The last point we would like to mention specifically as an advantage of using (rack) servers is that they provide a high degree of flexibility and scalability. For companies that are growing or have quickly become "big", this means that a quick and uncomplicated IT upgrade is an absolute must. Rack servers in particular offer a clear advantage here: the density-optimised devices ensure high power, availability and performance in the smallest of spaces. Servers (preferably) from the same product family can usually be very easily integrated into the existing network - an important point when it comes to speed and more computing power for better productivity.

Flexibility & Growth

The last point we would like to mention specifically as an advantage of using (rack) servers is that they provide a high degree of flexibility and scalability. For companies that are growing or have quickly become "big", this means that a quick and uncomplicated IT upgrade is an absolute must. Rack servers in particular offer a clear advantage here: the density-optimised devices ensure high power, availability and performance in the smallest of spaces. Servers (preferably) from the same product family can usually be very easily integrated into the existing network - an important point when it comes to speed and more computing power for better productivity.

Can also be realised for SMEs - modern technology through used hardware

If you are now thinking - the arguments are convincing and the advantages are obvious, but how can I afford modern technology as a small or medium-sized company? The answer is: refurbished, i.e. used, server hardware is the key to success here. This is because the devices are as good as new, state of the art and many times cheaper than new equipment. There are well-known manufacturers on the market who offer a wide variety of server solutions for individual requirements and needs - as well as price ranges. You can also find a large number of refurbished servers here in our shop.

As an experienced IT dealer, you also have other advantages with us, as all devices are carefully checked for technical and visual defects before being sold. We also offer you the option of configuring your desired server online. Under "Configurator", you can easily and simply configure one or more servers exactly according to your needs and requirements. Our tip: it is best to seek advice from an IT system house beforehand. We will of course check the "interaction", i.e. whether the selected components fit together, and also install them.

We have summarised the points you should pay attention to when buying a server, as well as further information and advantages of servers, in some of our previous blog posts: 

If you have any further questions, information or tips, please feel free to contact us at any time:


5 August 2024


Regina Seisenberger


Technik und Tests

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