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    HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen10

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new items in our stock

Lenovo SSD 480GB 6G SATA 2.5"
Lenovo HDD 300GB 12G SAS 10k 2.5" Festplatte
incl. VAT plus shipping

Available, delivery time 1-3 days **

Lenovo SSD 480GB 6G SATA 2.5"
Lenovo SSD 480GB 6G SATA 2.5" Festplatte
incl. VAT plus shipping

Available, delivery time 1-3 days **

Lenovo HDD 600GB 12G SAS 10k 2.5" 512e
Lenovo HDD 1.2TB 12G SAS 10k 2.5"
incl. VAT plus shipping

Available, delivery time 1-3 days **

INTEL CPU Xeon Silver 4114 2.20GHz, 10-Core, 13.75MB, 85W
INTEL CPU Xeon Platinum 8280 2.70GHz, 28-Core, 38.5MB, 205W
incl. VAT plus shipping

Available, delivery time 1-3 days **

HPE RAIL KIT 2U (OneStor), for MSA 1060/2060/2062, 3Par 8000
HPE RAIL KIT 2U (OneStor), for MSA 1060/2060/2062, 3Par 8000
incl. VAT plus shipping

Available, delivery time 1-3 days **

HPE RAIL KIT for DL380p Gen8
HPE RAIL KIT for DL380p Gen8
incl. VAT plus shipping

Available, delivery time 1-3 days **

HPE Backplane Board 8xSFF DL360 Gen9/Gen10, 6G SATA, 12G SAS, incl. power cable
HPE Backplane Board 8xSFF DL360 Gen9/Gen10, 6G SATA, 12G SAS, incl. power cable
incl. VAT plus shipping

Available, delivery time 1-3 days **

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Wir führen ausschließlich Geräte namhafter Hardware-Hersteller in Profi-Qualität. Neben Servern, Storage und Netzwerkkomponenten aus dem Enterprise-Bereich, bieten wir Ihnen auch günstige, wiederaufbereitete PC, Notebooks oder Monitore an. Auch diese zeichnen sich durch ihre herausragende Business-Qualität aus.
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Buy used IT hardware - the smart alternative to new goods


Are you looking for a new PCnotebook or server? You want high-quality technology at a low price? Then you've come to the right place. Because: It doesn't always have to be new. Similar to a used car, remanufactured IT hardware also offers many advantages. Contrary to what is often assumed, so-called "refurbished" IT is not obsolete products, but devices that are technically up to date and have been professionally reconditioned - but: are many times cheaper than new goods.

The reason for this: As with cars, the depreciation of technical equipment is highest in the first 2 years. This loss can be easily and cleverly avoided by buying second-hand equipment right away. But the low costs are only one of many advantages.

When you buy so-called "Green IT", it is very easy for you to act in a sustainable manner and still make an important contribution to protecting our environment. The more products are reused, the less has to be produced. CO₂ emissions are reduced and fewer resources are consumed.



Buy hardware at low costs - How good are used servers, PCs and notebooks?


The price advantage over new products is certainly the biggest incentive to switch to second-hand IT hardware. But it is not the only one.



Advantages of used hardware



Do you want to expand your server landscape quickly and cost-effectively or do you need a PC, a workstation or a laptop with certain equipment for yourself or an employee? Then it is not only worthwhile to buy used IT in terms of cost. After all, new goods have to be produced first. Especially if a certain desired configuration is required, it takes several weeks or even months until the hardware can be delivered. Not so if you opt for refurbished IT: All products you find in our shop are in stock and directly available. The equipment is upgraded or downgraded exactly according to your requirements in our in-house technology and can thus be shipped to you immediately.

Realisable even with a low IT budget

Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, the high prices of new products from the high-end sector are hardly feasible. When it comes to IT infrastructure, however, savings in the wrong place can quickly become expensive: If too little performance is offered, the employees cannot work efficiently either. If extremely outdated hardware is used that no longer supports the latest software and updates, it is easy for cyber criminals to hack into the company network. Therefore, it is advisable, especially for SMEs, to rely on high-quality second-hand IT that is technically up to date. The prices for these are many times cheaper than new goods and thus affordable for smaller companies as well.

Proven and tested quality

Used PCs, servers, notebooks and network devices have already been reliably in use. Hardware faults, which sometimes occur with new goods, can thus be ruled out. In addition, each device and spare part is checked once again for functionality before shipping.

Sustainability made easy

It is often difficult for companies to act in an environmentally conscious way - although the topic of sustainability is also increasingly demanded by customers. But nothing is easier than equipping your IT landscape with used hardware. In addition to saving your own IT budget, this also protects the environment. Incidentally, this also works the other way round: Even large companies that have to replace their hardware on a regular basis act in a more environmentally conscious way if you feed the used equipment into the IT remarketing cycle instead of disposing of it. Please check the following link for further information:

Equipment exactly as required

Not only do you have to wait a few weeks for delivery of new goods, but the configuration is either not available or not feasible in terms of budget. With used equipment, neither is a problem. All upgrades that we offer you in our shop are in stock and are offered at absolutely affordable, fair prices. In addition, they are installed in the desired device for you - which means less work for you. Configuration and hardware function are of course checked again before delivery.

Avoiding supply bottlenecks and shortages

Chip shortages, pandemics and other supply bottlenecks can be cleverly circumvented with used spare parts. Due to the favourable prices, it is also possible to build up your own small "stock" (e.g. of hard disks or memory modules for server or storage systems) - and you have already taken precautions in the event of a delivery delay.



Remanufactured hardware - for whom is it worth buying?


Not only SMEs can build a secure and stable company network by using second-hand hardware. Since digitisation is advancing at an enormous pace, second-hand hard disks and storage systems are becoming more and more in demand.

To be on the safe side, backups should not only be available externally, but the data should also be stored on data carriers in the house. The enormous amount of data that has to be backed up costs a lot of storage space - and money. Buying used hard disks, SSDs and disk storage systems is therefore a cost-effective alternative.

IT system houses and IT service providers who want to provide their customers with optimal support resort to spare parts and parts from the second-hand market. Because: Just because a controller, a power supply unit or a fan fails from a functioning system, the entire server does not have to be replaced.

Buying "Green IT" is also worthwhile for public authorities and schools: In some cases, there are not so many quantities of homogeneous models (i.e. with the same configuration) available for new goods - or they are extremely expensive. Refurbished computers and laptops can be easily configured as required and are immediately available. In the course of a new purchase, the old IT can also be returned immediately, disposed of professionally or used for the spare parts market.

But buying second-hand hardware is not only worthwhile for companies. As a private individual or freelancer, you can also benefit from the favourable prices. Special notebook models (e.g. mobile workstations for architects or graphic designers) are much more affordable after the price drop, but are just as up-to-date with the latest technology.

Many of the devices are leasing returns that were only used for a certain time in large companies. These are mostly professional devices from the business sector that were designed for a very long service life and constant operation. Common technology standards such as memory generations (e.g. DDR3 / DDR4) or interfaces for hard disks (e.g. SAS / SATA) mostly only change after many years or decades. The reliability of the hardware is therefore just as guaranteed as its up-to-dateness.



Serverando: Your partner for used IT


With over 18 years of experience in IT remarketing, we stand by our customers as a competent partner. Personal contact is just as important to us as optimal advice, so that you receive the right product for your needs. On our "About us" page you will therefore find all contact persons with responsibilities. Please feel free to contact us, we look forward to your enquiry.

Are you a professional when it comes to IT hardware and know which equipment suits your requirements or have you already sought advice from an IT system house? Then configure your desired server simply and directly online. The server will be assembled for you in our in-house technology centre and the configuration and function will be checked once again to ensure that you receive a flawless product.

Benefit not only from our outstanding quality, but also from our wide range of products. In addition to servers, storage and network products, we also offer spare parts and upgrades (such as hard drives, memory upgrades, power suppliesprocessorscablescontrollers and rack mounting rails). We mainly stock models from well-known manufacturers in the professional sector. Such as: HPEDELL, Fujitsu, Lenovo, Samsung, Hynix, Cisco, NetApp and many more.

Since a complete IT landscape also includes clients, we have recently started offering office equipment such as notebooks, PCs, workstations, monitors (TFTs), input devices (e.g. mouse / keyboard) and matching accessories (such as laptop bags).

You have not found the right product? Simply contact us. We are networked with IT dealers all over the world to get you the product or spare part you need. We offer a variety of contact options, just choose the most convenient one for you. Via our contact form, by phone: +49 (0) 9402- 93 8505 0, by email or our live chat.

We are also there for you in urgent cases (e.g. server or hard disk failure). Not only are all devices in stock and immediately available, you can also pick them up easily and directly at our location.

Discover our wide product portfolio:

ServerStorageServer componentsNetworkDesktop ComputersNotebooksRack accessories



Outstanding quality - optional warranty extension available


Unfortunately, there are still many traders where "second-hand goods" have a stale aftertaste: Not only the data deletion must take place carefully and irretrievably - there are also some points to consider when reprocessing.

Our well thought-out IT remarketing process, which has been tried and tested for years, can be ideally adapted to the needs of our customers. We already take care of the security of the data during collection: Data carriers are transported in security boxes, for example, and the transport itself takes place directly by us or by a partner forwarding company we trust in the immediate vicinity.

In our in-house technology centre, the data on the data carriers is irretrievably deleted in compliance with the BSI. Defective or uneconomical data carriers are destroyed and disposed of properly. During the audit, we record all equipment features of the devices in detail - not only to generate the best possible buy-back value for our supplier, but also to be able to offer the future buyer exactly the device that meets his or her expectations.

During the process, we also repair the devices: defective components are replaced and the hardware undergoes a thorough cleaning. Minor wear and tear and signs of use are normal with reconditioned IT equipment - after all, it has already been in use. Nevertheless, it is important for us that the PCs, notebooks, servers and monitors are delivered to the buyer in immaculate condition. Because that's how we show: Used is not the same as old and "green" is better than new - for your wallet and the environment.

Optionally, we also offer a warranty extension for some of our servers. Under the item "Service and Software" you will find a large selection of "additional protection" for your used servers. An extension of 1, 2 or even 3 years is possible. In the event of a defect, our service partner will take care of the matter quickly and without complications. You can choose between the following options: "Next Business Day Service", "24/7 Service" with a response time of 4 hours and "PickUp and Return".

With the NBD service, a technician comes to your location on the next working day and repairs the defective server or replaces it completely. With the 24/7 4h service, you receive a solution to your problem around the clock - with a response time of only 4 hours. For you, this means: absolute security and fast, competent help when there is a problem.

The "PickUp & Return" service is a simple and convenient option if there is a defect: The server is picked up, the defective component is replaced and the device is then returned to you in working condition. Choose the most practical option for your company and enjoy absolute security.



Reduce carbon footprint with refurbished hardware


Why can remanufactured hardware also call itself "Green IT"? "Greenwashing" or really an advantage for the environment? Definitely the latter. The biggest emissions are released during new production or final assembly in factories. In addition, a PC, for example, consists of individual components - these are not always produced in the same company, but in many large companies in third countries.

The components may then be transported long distances to reach the final assembly line. Long transport distances mean even more CO₂ emissions - and even more harmful greenhouse gases that affect climate change.

In addition, valuable resources are consumed in new production. Many hundreds of different substances (such as platinum, cobalt, gold, copper and coltan ore) are needed to produce a computer. The extraction of raw materials is sometimes very harmful to the workers who mine them and to their environment. In addition, resources are scarce and do not last forever. Particularly in the case of oil and water, the low availability is already being fought over and is affecting the supply of various countries.

But: The reuse of used hardware not only conserves our natural elements and raw materials. Toxic chemicals (e.g. plasticisers) are used in production. If the devices are scrapped, some of these substances are released again and have a negative impact on the environment (soil/water pollution) and thus also on us humans.

Electronic waste should therefore be avoided as much as possible. In our "throwaway society", unfortunately only very few products are repaired, but directly purchased new. However, the rapid growth of scrap is another extreme burden on nature.

Yet the defects in many devices can be repaired quickly and easily. In the case of a PC, server or notebook from the professional sector, hard disks, memory modules, power supply units and fans can often be replaced quickly and easily - in most cases, access is even possible without tools. They are designed for a very long life cycle and can therefore also be optimally scaled to the growing requirements of a company or end customer. Go for used IT hardware: the environment will thank you.



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